The 5 Best Glute Exercises

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The 5 Best Glute Exercises

We don’t really want an intro for this article. If you are tired of being stagnant in regards to your gluteal development and feel like whichever exercise you try does not really help you reach your goals, it is time for a change! Here are 5 top exercises, which will help you develop the glutes you have always dreamt of…

Hip abductions

One of my favorite exercises that comes in many shapes and forms to keep us from getting bored! It can be performed with a band around the feet:

  • From a standing positions (lateral steps)
  • From a seated position. Depending on the seat’s height, we will actually feel it differently!
  • On a yoga mat. This is the classic variation of the hip exercise immortalized by Jane Fonda!

All these variations have one common denominator: they mainly target the gluteus medius and not the glute max or min to the same extent. Moreover, since you will be using a band for the exercises, there will be constant muscle tension. This will help you establish proper neuromuscular control in the region. You will also be able to focus so that your glutes will perform the movement. So, when you try to perform squats or deadlifts, your glutes are ready to fire and execute the movement. Win-win!

Sumo deadlifts

A variation of an old classic. The role of the lower back muscles is greatly diminished and the glutes must perform the lion’s share of the work. Don’t forget to contract your glutes as much as possible and perform full hip extension.


Glute bridges

One classic exercise, which works like a charm if we can place the focus squarely on our glutes. Starting from a supine position we bring the bar over our legs and we push it with our hands opposite our thighs. Remember that the further your feet are placed from your trunk, the more your biceps femoris are activated. That is why you need to bring them closer and focus on the glutes. You will deal with the biceps femoris later…

Tip: If you feel thigh pain due to the bar pressure, try to roll a towel around it or get a foam pad and place it on top. The foam pad will allow you to feel the exercise even more in all the right places…

Quadruped hip extensions

If we think about the function of the glutes, then this exercise comes very naturally to mind as a viable option. This muscle group is mainly responsible for hip extension, therefore kicks from that position will activate it fully. If this seems too easy for you, get a band around and you will feel the “burn” taking over pretty soon.

Bulgarian Split squat

Last but not least, one highly misunderstood exercise. It is not just designed to target your quads as the further you get down during the first part of the exercise, the more your glutes are activated.

Tip: If you try to lean forward, you will feel them even more. That’s because your glutes are also responsible for keeping your trunk as straight as possible. So when you lean forward, you force them into a pre-stretch position, which they have to deal with in order to bring your trunk in a straight position once again.

So what do you say? Will you start using these exercises in your routine? Are you already using them? No matter the case, let me know in the comments below!

That’s all folks.